

Please notice the usual legal bla bla. You know that I am not responsible for anything anyway. If your computer explodes or something after visiting this website, it`s most probably not my fault.


Nothing illegal happening around here.  

www.thelostpatrol.de.vu (c) 2004 - 2006


The Lost Patrol is (c) 1989 Ocean Software Limited

In-game graphics used with friendly permission of Ian G. Harling


Nothing on this website should violate copyrights. If it does, let me know and I will remove it. Everything on this website that has been created by myself (texts,  ideas) is copyrighted by myself and may not be used by anyone without my prior permission. You must not use any material provided on this website for commercial purposes.

|Legal Notices|


This website might contain copyrighted material wich is used without  specific authorisation by the copyright owner. In this case it`s used under the assumption that this non-profit use constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material.


Trademarks and registered trademarks are not marked. Therefore, the missing of such a symbol does not imply that the concerned name is not the trademark or registered trademark of its respective owner.


All information provided on this website is correct to my best knowledge. Text and graphics are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.


I`m not responsible for the content of any linked site and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by me.


Contact me for questions, suggestions or for any other reason:


Blablabla . . .  deutsche Rechtssprechung. Nein, ich übernehme keine Haftung, vergesst das mal!

Matthias Veit

Stresemannstraße 76

10963 Berlin

e-mail: mave0 (at) gmx (dot) net

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